Marilyn Hilton Virant wrote this beautiful tribute to Sandy, and asked me to post it for her:
Rosary High School
Class of 1972
Marilyn Hilton Virant
Sandy and I met the first week of school and became best friends from than on. She went camping with my family and traveled with us out to California. She was in our wedding and our kids went to school together. Her and I lived 6 blocks from each other in Garden City for our entire life. Her passing was devastating to me. Love ❤️You Sandy
Norene Belyk (Woodcox)
Marilyn Hilton Virant wrote this beautiful tribute to Sandy, and asked me to post it for her:
Class of 1972
Julianne Dolan
So very sorry for your loss. Lifelong friends are so hard to lose.
julie dolan