Rosary High School Class of 1972
Reunion Videos
Greetings Classmates!
In addition to the photos you can find on our Photo Gallery page (please add yours, if you took any at the reunion!), several videos were made or featured at the reunion on Saturday evening, October 8, 2022. To view them, please click on each of the links below:
- Teacher Tribute (but with lots of classmate photos!): This video, created with care and inspiration by our classmate Paulette Rudzki Alioa for our 40th Reunion, was played for everyone at our 50th. It is a joy to watch -- and you might want to have a tissue handy. Watch it at this link.
- Class Song. Do you believe? Well, those of us in the room where our 50th Reunion happened clearly did, as you will find in this video of all of us singing our class song, I Believe. Watch it at this link.
- School Song. And who can forget To You Wonderful Rosary? (Well, some could and did, but we had lyric sheets!) Watch it at this link.
- Norene singing My Girl! "Someone" took this video on her iPhone -- cutest thing ever! Watch it at this link. (Shout out to Diana Slusarczyk for the evening's excellent and time-appropriate playlist!)
Have a video from the reunion you want to post here? Want help posting it? Send an email to us using the Contact Us link -- and a classmate (likely Norene or Janet T) will be in touch to help you!